Happy November! If you have arrived fromJudy's blog......then you are on the right track! Here little box using the Art Philosophy cartridge is a perfect match-up with my weekend stay in the mountains of North Georgia and North Carolina. It was wonderful but exhausting! So I am a little late with my post but I do hope you enjoy it!
My daughter-in-law to be (DIL2B) birthday is on Sunday. So I decided to make her a "telescoping card". I found the directions on Splitcoast Stampers here and cut out the shapes with my Cricut Art Philosophy cartridge ( I love that cartridge!) If you still haven't purchased it, you need to add it to your Christmas Wish List! You can purchase it here on my website www.ctmh.com/SweetAline
I used the Level 2 Sonoma paper pack (X7143B) and the My Stickease (X7143C) along with the November Stamp of the Month S1111 Cherish the Day. You can purchase all three of these items on my website as well.
Here are the cutting directions.... The hardest part is done for you! .... deciding on the sizes of all of the shapes! ("we don't need no stinkin' Spellbinder dies....")
A HUGE thank you to all of the ladies who made the Krop for Kids on October 15, 2011 at the St. Pete Coliseum such a success!! Here are a few pictures from the krop.
A view from my booth of the VIP tables...
Just waiting for the ladies to enter!
My Make-n-Take project
Here is the completed layout- I added the J (olly), thanks Carla and the My Stickease from the Believe paper pack.
Be sure and check the next post for the tutorial on how to make this layout! Are you getting ready yet for Christmas?
What a wonderful world we live in - to be able to see Fall colors in our surroundings - no matter how small or large! Today I was driving down I-275 and noticed the trees along the side of the road had turned a beautiful yellow color! SO what??? ....some of you are saying... OK - you live in the north where the leaves turn yellow!...... I live in Tampa, Fl where that is a luxury! I felt like I was back in western NY enjoying a beautiful fall morning.
Here is the view out of the kitchen window of the home where I grew up... Not quite the same view I have today...but one can dream....if you have been hoppin' with us, then you have arrived from Diana's blog where you have checked out some awesome artwork!
I love Fall - THE only season as far as I am concerned! Later this month I am traveling to North Carolina with a friend so I can get a huge dose of fall. Sooooo I am ready for fall with this layout from the Dreamin' paper pack...
This layout is rather simple ( I like that!) but I used the designs off of the Cricut Art Philosophy cartridge, the Dreamin paper pack X7142B and the zip strip ( what a great idea!) to create my design ... now all I need is the photo!
So if you are ready for some more inspiration than you are off to Deanne's blog to check out her take on this month's blog hop. Enjoy!
Hello everyone-Happy Fall! Oh my gosh - I wish we had cooler weather here in Tampa- but oh no - the hot weather still hangs on! But I guess I can design with FALL in mind! So if you have been hoppin' with everyone, you have arrived from Carol's blog and you have have checked out her awesome design!
So I selected re-inkers as this month's theme - one of my favorite 'why do I needto buy it?' item! So I came up with a few reasons why you need to buy re-inkers!
#1- To ink up your fabric ink pads- DID you know they will last a lifetime if you just buy a matching re-inker when you buy the ink pad? Just use a zig-zag motion to apply the ink and they are good as new! #2 - Using it for creative possibilities- Combine your re-inker with water or rubbing alcohol in our new Spray Pens (Z1380). I like using rubbing alcohol as it dries quickly and does not warp you paper.The key to this technique is to "spray lightly" #3 - Creating a Faux Suede Look -Combine re-inker with liquid applique, roll it on with a brayer and heat it with a heat gun! Instant Faux Suede!
Here is my design for the hop - the background of the card is faux suede using Olive re-inker. You really need to feel the paper to get the full impact of the effect. The tag in front of the stamp design is also faux suede using Autumn Terracotta re-inker. I cut out the shape first because I did not think the Circuit machine would cut through the paper but I was wrong! Here is the title for my design board and it cut right the faux suede paper!!! You may have recognized the layout on the right- yep - that is the same layout on my previous blog post and I made squares of faux suede paper with different re-inkers and then cut out the fall leaves with the Cricuit Art Philosophy cartridge.
If you have another idea for using re-inkers, just post it in the comment section. It will be fun to see what we all can come up with! Now it is off to Wendy's blogto view her artistic creation!