Our first trip to the grocery store after Robbie left was indeed upsetting. I reminded my husband that we no longer need the LARGE size of any product ( well, maybe toilet paper!) Buy 1 Free, Get 1 Free is no longer a deal as it will probably spoil before we eat it. So here is our first bag:
4 green bananas - they ripen quickly in FL.
2 apples - one for me and one for Bruce
1 qt. of milk - I haven't purchased this size since 1974!
1/2 dozen eggs - I didn't even know they made this size!
Nutritious and good for you cereal - no more 64 oz. of Fruit Loops - yuk!
Fat Free Fig Newtons - good bye Oreos - I will miss you!
On the upside, there are not as many dirty dishes. Yes - Robbie - we are putting them in the dishwasher instead of leaving them in the sink for you! :)