I told you I love this holiday and here are a few reasons why! Today in Child Development class we made some creative yet educational projects for small children. We even had a guest - 6 year old Rebecca was visiting and added the 'real life" experience some of my students needed! I was dressed like my favorite chocolate candy and posing with Dani - one of my favorites! (I know teachers aren't supposed to have favorites!) We made ghosts, spiders, bats and pumpkins out of a round paper plate and we made "Magic Slime" with my magic potion!- so much fun!

Rebecca and I posed for our Halloween picture - she spent all week with me in 1st and 2nd period before she went off to her classroom.

Then she made a new friend - this is so cute! A 1st grader and 9th grader - Sarai was so thrilled!

I am exhausted but I hope all of my 'kids' had fun!
More to come......